I always been fatigued by books, barely finished ten paperbacks in entire life. I came across an article, Reading books can benefit you to gain immense focus and tranquility, rapidly decided to take up the challenge to become avid reader and to finish ten books in this year of 2017 at least. My Constant craving for new blog post has a sudden thought to write on forthcoming activities in this year be composed of traveling, frequent posts and spend more time with books.
I've jot down the areas which gets my attention most and listed down the books i can start with. Being fond of comic books from boyhood, will incorporate loads of comics digital copies in the cards. Technically, reading comics is not something i aiming for but to please my inner self. So Hopefully I'll study some of editions on the cultural icon for ages - Superman, Green lantern (new 52 editions) and some more.
Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
Moby Dick by Herman Melville The Odyssey by Homer Hamlet by William Shakespeare Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen In Search of Lost Time
by Marcel Proust The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon Genome by Matt Ridley The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
Other resolutions on 2017 apart, Idea of picking the some of books from my area of delight, recommendations from famous people and books you need to read before you die. My perspective in couple of books are
Sapiens - Mark Zukerberg listed this book in his 20 favorite books everyone should read. The Odyssey - Being fan of Greek mythologies, story of Ulysses on his way back home caught my attention in addition i know the preceded story. Hamlet - Nothing completes without Shakespeare poems eager to explore thrilling drama. And Then There Were None - considered as one of the most difficult book ever written in mystery drama from early 19th century.
My avidity to write articles thrives me to start and finish it off admirable exercises. I hope this activity doesn't goes in vain and suppress.